Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nothing like a little competition in local newsrooms and not everyone at CBS is happy about the arrival of Katie.

Time was, those folks who really cranked out the effort in the local newsroom might be named "Employee of the Month" and get a free lunch or perhaps get a pat on the back and an "atta boy".
But the news director at WFTV in Orlando has kicked it up a notch. Reporter and Photographer teams turning in the best stand-ups will be competing for a 32-inch flat panel television. I think I heard that live shot stand-ups can add bonus points. Bob Jordan has been known as a forward thinking innovator at times and I've been told a tyrant at others but what a great way to spark a little friendly competition in the ranks. He says he has some other incentives and I hope those might be geared toward the producers or others behind the scene. I would hope if other news directors attempt to follow suit, they do more than give the winners a day off or a coupon for a fastfood lunch.
And it appears not every thing is as rosey about Katie's arrival as the bigwigs at CBS would lead you to believe. Some of the old guard have publicly stated that nobody they know at CBS is happy to see KC coming over. One person in particular is Andy Rooney who went on record to voice his opinion. Yah, he's an old guy who may not last many more years but I think he lets us see what's going on behind the scenes. If I were Katie, I wouldn't care. 16 million dollars can buy a lot of soundproofing in your office and a lot of cotton to plug up your ears to ward off the sounds of mean comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I just couldn't stand it. Joe I agree...Like your post from a day or so ago - Katie may be the worst disaster CBS has ever had. Initially it will be honeymoon bliss, but give it time to cook and the real results will be shown. There's a reason why Today's numbers have been flat. (Katie)

It's the same reason the "experts" in Hollywood can't figure out why folks don't go to the movies anymore. "Hint to directors and producers - Show us something worth seeing and we'll go!"

Yea, I am a Kuralt era reporter - (for those who don't know - (he's one of the best CBS had in the 60's - 70 's and part of the 80's)

Couric (educated from my current home state and neighboring county) will not make it for the same reasons listed above. Regardless of what ND's are thinking these days, we aren't all sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the next murder story, which KFC got knocked off last night, and which member of congress is headed to the clink. Instead - most of us are raising out families, paying the electirc bill, having Sunday lunch with grandma, and getting on with life. Katie will find this out over the coming years and frankly should already know it by now.

Tommy Stafford
Afton, VA

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Nostradamas and I predict Katie Couric will fail miserably!

Consider the following: after Dan Rather left, Bob Schiefer increased ratings. So do you really think all those Bob viewers are the same people who will watch Perky Couric?

Those who've worked with Katie in her early days, know that her nickname means a lot. "Pig Pen!" It must be nice to have hair and makeup people to clean your act up... otherwise, she'd be "Dirty Dan" or "Edward R. Mess!"

But Joe, I agree... her salary can buy her lots of ear plugs. Meanwhile, I predict Meredith will kick ass on "Today" and Katie will wish she'd kept her alarm clock set for 3a.m.

8:13 PM  

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